My answer is a definite NO. Keeping with the cancer analogy, cancer surgery usually entails removing excess tissue to ensure that no cancer remains. The fact that there are still questions about whether T.O. can be tamed tells me that he must go before we can declare ourselves cancer-free. We can't take the chance that he will continue to cause problems.
The latest news that T.O. will be starring in a reality show on VH1 over the summer was the tipping point for me. At a time when the Cowboys need to eliminate off-field distractions and put the focus back on football it seems that Terrell Owens just can't get out of the spotlight.
I know part of the blame for the overexposure of T.O. lies with the media, but the fact that he is willfully planning to participate in a spectacle such as a reality television show puts a damper on my defense of him. It is one thing for ESPN and the Dallas media to pile on without provocation, but by choosing to be a part of a reality TV show T.O. is now clearly causing a distraction. The fact that he chose to do this show with the current perception that the Cowboys are saddled with just shows how selfish he really is.
The time has come to finish removing the cancer from this team. Cut T.O. now. We have weapons at every offensive position to fill the void created by the release of T.O. The negative attitude that Owens displays towards Jason Garrett is not going to improve the chemistry on this team. Jason Garrett is here to stay so we need all of the players on this team to buy into his system fully. Maybe without T.O. this collection of great individual talent can finally become a team.
ReplyDeleteDon't let the DMN blog trolls in here. Now on topic. I don't think cutting T.O. is the answer. The answer is accountability and hiring the necessary coaching staff to steer players to play to their potential, including T.O. Michael Irvin should consider being a consultant for the team rather than doing a reality show. He would certainly put T.O. in his place. But, I do agree that T.O. needs to stop all his nonsense and change his mind about doing a reality show himself.
Concerning your previous photo with Romo's hand in a splint. Maybe Romo should consider wearing that splint more, he seemed to throw better with it on!
TO is not the problem. If you would clean up your tissues and stop rubbing one of to the thought of Romo throwing to Witten you might see that. Romo was the problem.
ReplyDeleteThe latest from Schefter is that Owens may indeed be on his way out.
ReplyDelete-- Mike
Cutting Owens isn't a cost that the team can take right now, too many other needs to fill and they need their money to do that, or attempt it.
ReplyDeleteOwens can't be traded because every team in the league thinks he is nothing but trouble. The Lions wouldn't even take him now.
So Shithead ... I mean Schefter can say it all he wants, the fact is it's highly unlikely to happen this year. After the 2009 season though, well TO better just hope he becomes extremely valuable in the next 12 months or he'll be gone.
BTW - Your newest poll, should throw in an option include bandwagon fans AND the Dallas media as a single choice, both are being pretty anti-Cowboys lately.
You need good recievers to make a good football team. Don't look to hard at all the off the field BS. It is all hype to fuel the Soap Opera that is the NFL.